Sponsor a Child
We know that to help a child in a lasting way, we must also help his or her family as well as the local community to become self-sufficient.
Help communities build a better future
Your support will be used for programs that benefit the children, and their families and communities. Pin Limited does not make individual donations directly to the children or families. You can be assured that your sponsorship dollars are spent in the most cost-efficient way.
Right now, there are thousands of hopeful children waiting for a sponsor like you.
Sponsor a child today and we'll immediately send you a photograph and biography of your child by mail, as well as more information on how you are creating a lasting difference in their life.
Many of these Children you see here have graduated from Primary last year 2009 and are supposed to join Secondary school away from St Johnson Primary School where they have studied but many of them dont even know what next to do in life because their parents care no where to be seen to even provide love to them nor sponsor them to the next level of education please join us to see them reach their goals.
Sseluwaji Shrfik Walugembe Anold
Nsangi Getrude
Nakatunda Bridget
Choose the method of sponsorship that is easiest for you:
1) Contact us with subject sponsor a child
2) Call us - Contact us by phone at 000256782242404
3) Email - prospinternet@yahoo.com, for more details.